What does Cecil Exum, a former farm hand, have in common with 85-year-old J.W. “Bill” Marriott Jr.? Well, both started working for Marriott in 1956, but Marriott Jr. has since retired as the hotel chain’s chief executive while Exum continues to work as the Crystal Gateway Marriott’s chief omelet maker.

Yes, Exum is still cookin’—the 80-year-old works full-time and is considered to be the longest standing employee of the company. His career started with Marriott before the chain took root, and he’s been growing with the company over the last several decades.

Why stay with one company for 61 years?

These days, the thought of staying with one company for more than a few years feels like a big deal. Millennials, specifically, are often associated with job hopping, while members of the Silent Generation, like Exum, are more likely to hold onto an opportunity and stay with an employer throughout their entire career.  Growing up in an era plagued by war and economic instability might be why Exum decided to stay with Marriott for so long, but there may be other factors at play.

According to Marriott Jr., Exum is an example of the company’s commitment to putting its employees first. From a personal standpoint, Exum admitted he doesn’t like change, enjoys his job and has good benefits, a retirement plan, a profit-sharing program, plenty of vacation time – and all the omelets he can eat. He certainly seems well taken care of by the company.

Unlike many other major corporations, Marriott doesn’t have mandatory retirement requirements, so Exum doesn’t feel like he’s getting pushed out. The company certainly seems to be making it worth Exum’s while to stick around.

But, regardless of whether or not Exum’s generational experiences are the reason he chooses to stay, we have to commend Marriott for being able to retain talent that’s of legendary proportions.

If your company is looking to find stellar marketing talent who will stick with you until 2078, let us know123. We can’t promise another Cecil Exum, but we can promise we’ll find you an exceptional marketer.

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